DIY Yard Curbs

DIY curbs concrete curbing border yard lawn landscape Today we talk yard curbs! The only attention given to the backyard until recently was the laying of these concrete curb borders last fall. It was a totally new kind of project for us. Meaning, we really had no idea what we were getting ourselves into. It took longer than expected and our concrete line bulges in some spots like a snake who is digesting a meal(s). Sorry snake-phobes, but my expressive writing is almost better than photographs at this point. All said, this was an amateur job but a 1000% upgrade from the unsightly original plastic border that was degrading in more ways than one.
yard progressThe process went a little something like this:

Dig a trench. We already loved the kidney shape of our lawn so we followed its border. The trench only needed to be 4″ deep but my husband went a little overboard and built a fortress. (And used twice as much concrete as we needed in the process which cost twice as much, something to consider if you are also overly-cautious in this manner.)
Frame out the curb. We started with cut strips of masonite, but those were too weak and wobbly.Frame the curb again. And again. Next we tried 1/2″ plywood, which was too firm to bend around the tight curves. Then we finally settled on 1/4″ plywood, which hugged the curves perfectly and seemed strong enough. Only as concrete was poured was it apparent that 1/4″ was insufficient as the sections in between the stakes began to balloon under the weight and moisture. The hindsight solution would be to use two 1/4″ strips for the perfect combo of mobility and strength.
Screw the frame into stakes. The more the better in our situation, but I imagine with a stronger frame, it wouldn’t matter so much.installation DIY curbs concrete curbing border yard lawn landscape Fill the frame with concrete. As you can see, we overfilled in many spots, which made stake removal a beast. installation DIY yard curbs curbing border lawn landscapeLevel the concrete.installation DIY yard curbs curbing border lawn landscapeRound the concrete edge with this smoothing tool.

Wait days for it to dry. We went with 5.Remove the frame to reveal a wobbly, though still very attractive and functional, curb. DIY yard curbs curbing border lawn landscapeMany thanks to my father in law for all the guidance, tools and free labor!

In related news, you can pay to have a special machine brought to your house that squeezes out curb logs. It’s mindblowing and so, so funny if you have the sense of humor of a 13 year old boy (hi!).

And in other related news, how is this kidney shaped patch of grass NOT A KIDNEY SHAPED POOL? I feel robbed every time I think about it.The backyard has come so far since these photos. I’m almost not ashamed of its state anymore. The front yard, a total different story, but we all do the best we can…

Thanks for reading!!!!


One thought on “DIY Yard Curbs

  1. That is really amazing. I totally can appreciate hard work and everything that goes with that! I also get where husband is coming from…over kill…because we are so tired of doing it again! We want to make sure it’s done the first time. You all really did an amazing job. It looks fantastic! Well done!


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