California White Christmas

Down to the wire! Popping in for a last minute post to share our other tree – so flocked – and a semi-clean family room before the big day. Though we rarely get a live tree, nothing says Christmas quite like a real tree covered in fake snow. A west coast invention I’m sure! My grandma always had the prettiest flocked tree full of amazing vintage glass animal ornaments, so it’s been fun to have a flocked tree of our own for once! 
flocked christmas treeflocked christmas treemid century vintage christmas stockings atomic glittermid century nativity italy
flocked christmas treeflocked christmas treeWishing you all a Merry Christmas! I honestly haven’t been in the mood to celebrate or talk about decorations from my safe and cozy home when there are so many humans in the world fighting for their rights, freedom, and life. I hope that all of us privileged enough to even concern ourselves with decorating a home for the holidays can seek out the things that break our heart and do something about them. This world is a rough one. All hands on deck. xoxo

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